MCAG Arts Education Fund
The Muddy Creek Artists Guild is committed to supporting local arts education in K-12 schools and beyond through its Arts Education Fund. Guild members donate art work at each show with all proceeds from those sales going to the Arts Education Fund. Additionally, we select a few magnificent works to raffle off at each show, with proceeds from ticket sales supporting the fund. By purchasing raffle tickets or buying donated art designated for the Art Education Fund, show visitors support art education in our local county schools, while simultaneously taking home some amazing art. Funds raised in 2024 will be distributed to the two high schools (Southern and South River) in southern Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
2023 - Arts Education Fund
In 2023, all funds raised at our pop-up art shows were designated for the art departments of the elementary schools in southern Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Thanks to all of our local supporters and art lovers we had 3 successful shows. During February 2024, we were able to give checks for $1,000 to each of the 9 elementary schools: Deale, Edgewater, Central, Davidsonville, Lothian, Mayo, Shady Side, Tracey's and Central Special. To read a follow up about the schools and see what they were able to do with this gift, read this Blog post.

Some of the art donated by our member artists.
2022 - Arts Education Fund
MCAG members voted to use proceeds from its 2022 annual Holiday "Gifts from the Arts" show to support the art departments of the local middle schools in southern Anne Arundel County, MD. We delivered $3,472 to the art teachers in our local middle schools to support art projects for the children.

2021 - Arts Education Fund
In 2021, MCAG unanimously voted to take proceeds from the 2021 shows to support the art departments of South River High School (Edgewater) and Southern
High School (Harwood) to enhance their art programming. On February 22, 2022, members presented each school with a check for $1,445.82.
"Since our founding in 2009, the Guild (MCAG) has contributed thousands of dollars in art scholarships and donations to local students and schools. It is a critical part of MCAG's mission of bringing arts to our south county community," expressed Lora Collins, President of Muddy Creek Artists Guild.
Top image: MCAG members Joanne Riley, Lora Collins (Guild President), and Linda Donahue (second, third, and fourth from left) present the donation to Sharon Litting, Art Department Chair (in front with check), Principal Stacey Smith (at right), and several students of South River High School in Edgewater, Md.
Bottom image: MCAG members Joanne Riley, Lora Collins (Guild President), and Linda Donahue present the donation to art teacher Marlene Kramer (with check) and students at Southern High School in Harwood, Md.